Do not know what your network is up to?  See for yourself what you have been missing with Diagnosticon, General Packet’s visual network monitoring system.  Diagnosticon is web-based and viewable from any browser.  It obtains real-time information from inside of a network and posts it to a web dashboard.  Clients can see the status of their network and know in a glance if a device needs attention, how many users are connected, how much bandwidth is being consumed or anything else for that matter.  Diagnosticon works from the inside of a network because of special scripts running in General Packet-supplied equipment.  For those with a network we did not build, no problem.  A small, inexpensive network device we call a Packet Sleuth will allow all your network devices to post information to the Diagnosticon.  For a live demonstration of Diagnosticon, call the Sales team at General Packet at 866-498-7386,